Does anyone know how to create a batch file that will delete temp internet files?
I have a lot of machines I need to do this on. I already have a way to delete the index.dat files, but I also need to empty the temp, history, and temporary internet files.
Can someone help, plz? 

For Winows 2k, Xp and 2003, for NT, 9x, Me: 
Open Notepad and enter the following:
cd C:\Documents and Settings\$username$\Local Settings\ 
del /Q Temporary Internet Files 
echo Deleting Files 
echo File Deleted 
mkdir Temporary Internet Files 
Replace $username$ with the Account names used on the machine...
For deleting history and Temp, just change Temporary Internet Files for History or Temp.
And save the file as delete.bat or whatever you wish Should work

For Any Windows like 7,vista..
Open NotePad and Paste the Following Code:
cd %temp%
ECHO Y | DEL *.*
echo Deleting Files 
echo File Deleted 
and save it as delTemp.bat and Run the file , it will delete all temp files Safely
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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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