The post explains all things a hacker can do after installing a backdoor on victims computer.

What an outsider can do

1. Log on to your computer and operate/access it from a remote location.

2. Access your email list and/or use your Internet connection. This is called SMTP hijacking and is hugely popular with email scammers such as Nigerian con artists and email spammers who send out worms, viruses, unsolicited advertising, etc. When you track the email path, it shows that the letter was sent from a corporation in Walla Walla, Washington or from a college in Texas instead of from it's true origin.
3. Find files/documents that are not protected and destroy, copy, email, and alter them. That's why it's so important to install software like Folder Access.

4. Run programs, alter or delete programs.

5. Install hidden programs to watch what you do with your computer and where you go on the Internet. Spyware can keep a record of every web site you visit, every email you write, every chat in a chat room (public or private), every Private Message, every online purchase you make, every bit of online banking you do.

Keyloggers can record every keystroke you make, including passwords, user names, identification numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers. To prevent such attacks, you need to install SecureClean to uncover existing malicious programs and prevent others from being installed. 6. Move from computer to computer within a network, access servers, steal and/or alter passwords, sensitive information, and personnel information.

7. Insert worms, viruses, and spyware into the computer owner or network owner's email programs, web sites or pages, ad banners, and downloads.

8. Crash a single computer or move through a network crashing one computer after the other. SOS Data Protection & Recovery Software is a real life-saver in that situation.

9. Send hundreds of requests to a network server that the server can't respond to (this is can cause a corporate web site to crash if it's the server where the site is stored); send hundreds of large emails to employees causing the email program to overload.

10. Change the path information takes through a network by inserting redirects that can cause the information to loop endlessly until the information transfer is rejected, or the altered path may send the information to a competitor. The above malice list covers the highlights. Once malicious access has occurred to an individual computer or a network, so much damage is possible that recovery can be prohibitively expensive and public embarrassment overwhelming

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  1. remote access computer is the best way to communicate.

    Posted on Friday, December 12, 2008

  2. Anonymous Said,

    You eight-years-old? Don't be lame! On your profile, you say you're 19. Please don't contradict yourself

    Posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2008

  3. Vishnureddy Said,

    hey thats fantasy man jus kiddin chillax ok

    Posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2008

  4. Anonymous Said,


    My name is Kimmi Stevens. I've just visited your site and I was wondering if you'd be interested in exchanging links with my website. I can offer you a home page link back from my Marketing website which would be ( with page rank 3

    Your link will be placed here: PR3 (It`s a Marketing website PR3)

    As mentioned, your link would be placed on the site home page, not on any "links" pages which may be buried in the site somewhere.

    If you are interested please add the following information to your website and kindly let me know when it´s ready and I will do the same for you in less than 24 hours, otherwise you can delete my link from your site.

    Title: Email IQ email marketing
    Description: email marketing services from London-based Email IQ

    Or you can use the following html code:
    Email IQ email marketing - email marketing services from London-based Email IQ

    Want my link exactly so:


    I hope you have a nice day and thank you for your time,

    Kimmi Stevens

    Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2008


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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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