Do you have trouble reading the screen, hearing the sound themes, using the keyboard, or moving the mouse? Windows XP Professional includes features such as Accessibility Wizard, Accessibility Options, and Utility Manager that make Windows XP accessible and usable by everyone.
For more detailed information about accessibility options, keyboard shortcuts, and assistant technology programs in Windows XP Professional:
Click Start, then click Help and Support, and then click Accessibility, in the left-hand column.

Press the Windows Logo key + F1, use the TAB key to highlight Accessibility, and then press ENTER.
To learn more about Microsoft products available for people with disabilities, visit the Microsoft Accessibility Web site.
Note: The information in this section applies only to users who license Microsoft products in the United States. If you obtained this product outside the United States, your package contains a card that lists Microsoft subsidiary support services, telephone numbers, and addresses. Contact your subsidiary to find out whether the type of products and services described here are available in your area.
Accessibility Wizard
The Accessibility Wizard asks you questions about your accessibility needs and automatically configures text size, and settings for display, sound, and pointer.
To start the Accessibility Wizard
Click Start and point to All Programs. Then point to Accessories, point to Accessibility, and click Accessibility Wizard.

Press the Windows Logo key , press P to open All Programs, and then press ENTER. Press A to open Accessories, press ENTER to open Accessibility, and then press ENTER again to start Accessibility Wizard.
Note: Utility Manager lets you start, stop, and check the status of the accessibility programs you select from the Accessibility Wizard.
To open the Utility Manager
Click Start and point to All Programs. Then point to Accessories, point to Accessibility, and click Utility Manager.

Press the Windows Logo key , press P to open All Programs, and then press ENTER. Press A to open Accessories, press ENTER to open Accessibility. Use the arrow keys to highlight Utility Manager, and then press ENTER.
Accessibility Options
Accessibility Options allow you to directly customize keyboard, display, and mouse functions.
To open Accessibility Options
Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Accessibility Options.

Press the Windows Logo key , use the arrow keys to highlight Control Panel, and then press ENTER. Use the TAB key to highlight Accessibility Options, and then press ENTER.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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