These are the most common way that mp3s are stored on the www, you
should try these strings first.

String Format :
Type 1 : [Directory String] + (inurl:)[file type] + [mp3 name]
Type 2 : [Directory String] + (intitle:)[file type] + [mp3 name]

Type 3 : [Directory String] + [file type] + [mp3 name] + [limitors]

Example Strings :
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + "Michael Jackson" -html -htm -php -asp -txt -pls
- "index of" + "mp3" + "rMichael Jackson" -html -htm -php
- "index of" + mp3 + "Michael Jackson"
- "index of" + inurl:mp3 + "Michael Jackson" -txt -pls
- "index of" + intitle:mp3 + Michael Jackson
- "last modified" + "Michael" + "Jackson"
- "last modified" + inurl:shn + "Michael Jackson"
- "parent of" + inurl:wma + "Michael Jackson"
- "index of" + "mp3" + "Michael Jackson"
- "index of" + "shn" + "Michael Jackson"
- "index of" + "flac" + "Michael Jackson"
- intitle:index.of "Michael Jackson"
- intitle:index.of avi live Michael Jackson -html -htm -asp

Suggestions :
- Try (intitle:index.of + "mp3" + "band name" -htm -html -php -asp) first it
is usually the most effective.

Another Little Trick:
- If you have been getting alot of results on google but the pages don't seem
to be there try adding dates and the "apache" string to your search i.e.

- intitle:index.of + mp3 + "Michael Jackson" -html -htm -php -asp apache feb-2005
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + "Michael Jackson" -html -htm -php -asp apache 2005

or if you just want a big list of mp3' doing a search like this everymonth
- intitle:index.of + mp3 + -html -htm -php -asp apache mar

or if you want to condense the search try
- intitle:index.of + (mp3|ogg) + "Michael Jackson" -(html|php|asp) +apache mar-2007

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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