Tracing An Email's-location-etc-name

if you want to know from where that person sent you emails -the location -the ip

just enter your header of the email sender and know his histroy

headers in yahoo :
click here and enter your headers then you get every information about him

1) Enabling Email Headers

Enabling Email Headers For Gmail
Step 1:Once Logged into your Gmail Account open the Email whose headers you want to view. Click on the “More Options” link in the message next to the date of the email.

Step 2: Now click the “Show Original” link.

Step 3: This link will popup a new window the headers and the body of the message.

Enabling Email Headers For Hotmail
Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar.

Step 2: Now click on the "Mail Display Settings" link.

Step 3: Change the "Message Headers" option to "Full" and click ok.

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

Enabling Email Headers For Yahoo

Step 1:Once logged in, click on the "Options" link in the upper navigation bar.

Step 2: Now click on the "General Preferences" link.

Step 3: In the paragraph titled Messages and locate the "Headers" heading and select "All".

Step 4: Go to your inbox and open any one of your email. You emails show now contain additional headers.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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