Intel's newest addition to the Intel® Pentium® processor family with dual-core processor technology that delivers great desktop and mobile performance, low power enhancements, and multitasking for everyday computing.

Features and benefits

The Intel Pentium dual-core processor is the newest addition to the Intel Pentium processor family. This dual-core processor delivers high-value performance for multitasking.

Go beyond everyday computing
The Intel Pentium dual-core processor delivers enhanced performance for everyday computing needs such as listening to digital music and editing digital photography and improved responsiveness with office applications.

Smarter, more efficient designs
Intel® Smart Cache enables smarter, more efficient cache and bus design for enhanced performance, responsiveness and power savings. Smarter, more efficient designsIntel® Smart Cache enables smarter, more efficient cache and bus design for enhanced performance, responsiveness and power savings.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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