Do anyone know where the password file is stored in pc(user account's) ?
Here is the answer for it

Yes password file was stored in windows system32 config and sam file

named as SAM

location : C:\windows\system32\config\SAM

we can change password by entering into the location given above.
you cant access properly if you have not the administrator rights even you can do the changes if you are added in the power user list other wise you cant do anything with the limited account.

But you can do using cmd as given below

Go to Dos type net user administrator *
press enter now type your own password
So now you have hacked the administrator

another way :
This is a utility to (re)set the password of any user that has a valid (local) account on your NT system.
You do not need to know the old password to set a new one.
works offline, that is, you have to shutdown your computer and boot off a floppydisk or CD. The bootdisk includes stuff to access NTFS and FAT/FAT32 partitions and scripts to glue the whole thing together.
Will detect and offer to unlock locked or disabled out user accounts!
It is also an almost fully functional registry editor!
Windows Admin Hack allows you to reset the administrator password on
Windows 2000/XP.
The ISO must be burned to a CD or Flash drive.
When it is booted, a mini version of linux starts which allows the
administrator password to be reset. useful if you need to work on a
machine the password is unknown.

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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