Intel® Core™2 Duo processor numbers: "Intel® Core™2 Duo processor

* Intel® Core™2 Duo processor

The power to perform. With power-optimized enabled dual-core technology and exceptional energy efficiency, the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor excels running the most intense applications.

* » Learn more

Number¹ Architecture Cache Clock
Speed Front
Bus Dual-core Intel® Virtualization Technology
(Intel® VT)Φ Enhanced
Technology Intel®
64Φ Execute
Disable Bit° Intel® Trusted Execution Technology
E8600 45 nm 6MB L2 3.33 GHz 1333 MHz
E8500 45 nm 6MB L2 3.16 GHz 1333 MHz
E8400 45 nm 6MB L2 3 GHz 1333 MHz
E8300 45 nm 6MB L2 2.83 GHz 1333 MHz
E8200 45 nm 6MB L2 2.66 GHz 1333 MHz
E8190 45 nm 6MB L2 2.66 GHz 1333 MHz
E7300 45 nm 3MB L2 2.66 GHz 1066 MHz
E7200 45 nm 3MB L2 2.53 GHz 1066 MHz
T9500 45 nm 6MB L2 2.60 GHz 800 MHz
T9300 45 nm 6MB L2 2.50 GHz 800 MHz
T8300 45 nm 3MB L2 2.40 GHz 800 MHz"

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Vishnu vardhan Reddy Boda is Tech Blogger and Software Engineer.

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